Monday, September 10, 2012

Bloomers review *positive*

As you may remember from reading my D*con 2012 post, I mentioned that I had bought a new pair of bloomers. I'm glad to say that I really liked em and I would like to give a quick review of em.

So for the longest time, I used bloomers from both Bodyline and Metamorphose. Though both were serviceable, the latter was far more comfortable. But they both lacked... cuteness. They did their job. They help preserve modesty. And that was it.

See... serviceable. But bland. And I dislike being bland :P

So I was D*con, enjoying a nice dinner for a birthday. And amidst being updated on everything, Amber happen to mention that she made bloomers. And when she showed me the pictures, I immediately recognized them from having seen them on the commsales quite a bit. It took a bit of pondering, but that night I decided to purchase one. And here they are. 

Don't be surprised :P You all knew I would pick pink if given the choice

Ah so I'm no expect on craftsmanship. But they are definitely well constructed. From what I understand, they are have a serge finish. They are very comfy. And totally awesomely cute. I think in the future, once I start including more mint and lavender in my closet, I will get the the mint colourway.

This is her FB page:

Go like it.

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