Saturday, March 31, 2012

Some say

That money can't buy happiness.

But it can sure keep sadness at bay. As you may or may not remember, I ended leaving my parasol and H. naoto pants at Kira kira con. With my luck, it was probably picked up by the weeaboo-ist person there who just so happened to probably be the only person to not have a FB. That person *cause I honestly couldn't tell if it was a he or she* also had the nerve to shout out "YAOI" at me only because I was all prettied up.

In the end, I never recovered that parasol and pants. In an effort to combat the oncoming and inevitable depression, I went into a spending spree to help buy my feelings some time. And finally after a 3 week wait, they *the items* arrived.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

2012 Yearly resolutions and progress

Every year, everyone makes a resolution list.

Well, most everyone. I'm sure there are many people who just don't care to make one.

I myself only recently started making my resolutions list. In 2011, I had 3 primary goals:

1. Return to my pre-navy weight of 140 lbs.
2. Massively expand my lolita closet, especially the sweet portion of it.
3. Lets start the new year right. More positive, less negative. More happy, less sad. More smiles and less disappointment. Its a year of potential and its time to seek out what the world has to offer.

Of these 3, I was able to accomplish all 3 for much of the year. Obviously you can't always stay happy. But whenever things would get out of hand, whether it would be anger or sadness taking over my emotions, I would look back to #3 and do my best to return to my positive attitude. 

My lolita closet took massive steps in new directions. First it expanded gothic by obtaining Meta's Chess Party dress in black. But then sweet took the reins full force and dresses like IW's Band of Forest Animals in pink, BtSSB's Unico in Bloomland in pink, AatP's Night Fairy Fantasia and AP's Aqua Princess in pink were added. Other little bits were added here and there, such at Bodyline's Carousel print and BtSSB's Red Riding Hood. All in all, a couple thousand dollars dropped on expanding my lolita closet. 

And yes I was able to go from about 155 lbs to 140 lbs.

For 2012, I made a couple new resolutions. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Ranking Kira Kira con

So I have just returned from Kira Kira con and I must say that for all the difficulties encountered with this particular con, it was a pleasant experience.

When I last left "Rank em Week: Anime conventions" the rankings looked like this:

6th: Metrocon
5th: Megacon
4th: Exp con
3rd: Ichibacon
2nd: Anime Weekend Atlanta
1st: Animazement.

Care to take any guesses as to where Kira Kira con landed? Stay tuned and find out.